CALL FOR PAPER FULL 2023 JURNAL VOKASI KESEHATAN           Website:              Information: Elma (085877544731)                             Email:

Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan

Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan is an open access, peer-reviewed journal presenting timely research on all aspects of vocational health that has not been published by other media. broad outline of the journal's scope includes environmental health, dental health,  nursing,  midwifery, medical laboratory, and nutrition. Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan was first published in  January  2015 and subsequently published twice a  year, in  January and July by Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak.  The journal  keeps  readers  up-to-date on current  issues,  new research,  useful products, and services related to vocational health.  The journal can be used by health practitioners, teachers, medical students,and people who are interested in vocational health issues, with registered number p-ISSN: 2442-5478 (Print), ISSN : 2442-8183 (Online). Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan made several changes informed in the Journal History.

The aim of Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of vocational health. Every article that goes to the editorial staff will be selected through Initial Review processes by Editorial Board. Then, the articles will be sent to the Mitra Bebestari/ peer reviewer and will go to the next selection by Double Blind Preview Process. After that, the articles will be returned to the authors to revise. These processes take a month for a maximum time. In the each manuscript, Mitra Bebestari/ peer reviewer will be rated from the substantial and technical aspects. Final decision of articles acceptance will be made by Editors according to Reviewers comments. Mitra Bebestari/ peer reviewer that collaboration with Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan is the experts in the vocational health area and issues around it.

Please read these guidelines carefully. Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further reviewed. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.

Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan has been indexed by main indexing: Index Copernicus, Dimensions, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Google Scholar; SINTA; Crossref; PKP Index; GARUDA

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Vol 11, No 1 (2025): Januari 2025

Table of Contents


Lastry Depi Portuna Simanjuntak, Lastry Depi Portuna Simanjuntak , Sri Wahyuni Nasution, Sri Wahyuni Nasution , Chrismis Novalinda Ginting Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
Abstract views: 139 PDF views: 0
Novita Damayanti, Novita Damayanti , Marsaid Marsaid, Marsaid Marsaid , Kissa Bahari, Kissa Bahari , Nurul Hidayah Nurul Hidayah
Abstract views: 197 PDF views: 0
Risky Risky Risky Risky
Abstract views: 112 PDF views: 0
Maspupah Maspupah, Maspupah Maspupah , Dedi Damhudi, Dedi Damhudi , Leonatus Limson, Leonatus Limson , Wiradianto Putro Wiradianto Putro
Abstract views: 129 PDF views: 0
Galuh Pradian Yanuaringsih, Galuh Pradian Yanuaringsih , Siti Aminah, Siti Aminah , Indah Jayani, Indah Jayani , Ida Tri Wahyuni Ida Tri Wahyuni
Abstract views: 204 PDF views: 0
Vira Diastika, Vira Diastika , Marsaid Marsaid, Marsaid Marsaid , Sumirah Budi Pertami, Sumirah Budi Pertami , Maria Diah Ciptaningtyas Maria Diah Ciptaningtyas
Abstract views: 78 PDF views: 0
Firdaus Khumairoh, Firdaus Khumairoh , Kissa Bahari, Kissa Bahari , Rudi Hamarno Rudi Hamarno
Abstract views: 104 PDF views: 0
Weliyana Yana Nidar, Weliyana Yana Nidar , Joko Wiyono, Joko Wiyono , Arief Bachtiar, Arief Bachtiar , Imam Subekti Imam Subekti
Abstract views: 178 PDF views: 0
Titin Verayensi, Titin Verayensi , Indah Fitri Andini Indah Fitri Andini
Abstract views: 98 PDF views: 0
Rista Ariestia, Rista Ariestia , Wahyu Kirana, Wahyu Kirana , Florensa Florensa Florensa Florensa
Abstract views: 126 PDF views: 0