Efektivitas Pasir dan Karbon Aktif dalam Menurunkan Kekeruhan dan Timbal Pada Air Hujan
Khayan Khayan, Taufik Anwar
Abstract: The Effectiveness of Sand And Activated Carbon For Lowering Turbidity Tubes And Pablum On Roof Rain Water. This research was aimed to make filtration tube by using sand, shells and coconut shell activated carbon, also analyze its effectiveness in reducing Pb and turbidity of rain water. This experimental research uses pre and post-test design with control. The results show that level of lead (Pb) pre-treatment about 131.7 μg/l and 20 NTU of turbidity. Level of Pb post-treatment was 0.71 ug / l and 5.66 NTU of turbidity with 99.4% effectiveness in decreasing lead (Pb) and 72% effectiveness in decreasing turbidity. Results of statistical analysis showed that there were a differences levels of Pb and turbidity before and after treatment (p = 0.00)
Abstrak: Efektivitas Pasir dan Karbon Aktif Dalam Menurunkan Kekeruhan dan Timbal Pada Air Hujan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk menganalisis efektifitas pasir dan karbon aktif dalam menurunkan timbal dan kekeruhan pada air hujan. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan pre and post test with control design. Hasil penelitian sebelum perlakuan menunjukkan kadar timbal (Pb) 131,7 μg/l dan kekeruhan sebesar 20 NTU. Setelah perlakuan kadar Pb sebesar 0,71 μg/l dan kekeruhan 5,66 NTU dengan efektivitas penurunan timbal (Pb) 99,4% dan kekeruhan, 72%. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kadar Pb dan kekeruhan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pengolahan (p= 0,00).
Timbal; Kekeruhan; Pengolahan Air Hujan
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