Effectiveness Progressive Muscle Relaxation In Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis As Anxiety Level Stabilization (Literature Review).

Rizcha Novi Noer Safitri, Marsaid Marsaid, Joko Pitoyo, Nurul Hidayah


Progressive muscle relaxation is a relaxation therapy that is very easy to use in everyday of life but many have not used it effectively. The purpose of this study was to explain the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation in chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis as a stabilization of anxiety levels. This research using a literature review with a Systematic Mapping Study. Journals were obtained from four databases, namely Google Scholar, PubMed, Crossreff, and Science Direct which were accredited by Garuda, SINTA, and Scopus in the 2016-2021 range. The keywords used are (Progressive Muscle Relaxation OR Technique Relaxation Progressive) AND (Chronic Kidney Disease OR Renal Failure) AND (Hemodialysis OR Dialysis) AND (Anxiety OR Anxiety Disorder), and (Progressive Muscle Relaxation OR Progressive Muscle Therapy) AND (Kidney Failure Chronic) AND (Hemodialysis) AND (Anxiety) which have been selectd for ten journals using JBI Critical Appraisal Tools by paying attention to the PICOS framework. There was a decrease in the patient’s anxiety level bofere and after the intervention is given, in ten journals there was one journal that was less effective in reducing anxiety because it had a p-value 0.05. Progressive muscle relaxation can reduce anxiety levels in chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis if its use is done effectively, so role of nurses is very important in implementing progressive muscle relaxation to maintain the stabilization of anxiety level in chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis.



Anxiety, Chronic Kidney Disease, Hemodialysis, Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30602/jvk.v10i2.1033

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