Analysis Of Factors Affecting Internal Quality Assurance In Blood Glucose Examination In The Laboratory Of Budhi Asih Hospital

Anisa Sekar Maji


Internal quality assurance activities are divided into three stages, namely the pre – analytic stage, the analytic stage, and the post – analytic stage. Examination of blood glucose requires internal quality assurance. There are several potentials that affect this implementation, such as the discovery of lysis sample. The suitability of taking blood according to the Standar Operating Procedure (SOP) must be considered. The instruments used must be in good condition, pay attention to tool mantenance and carry out Quality Control (QC) to ensure the quality of precision and accuracy in the results to be issued. Observational research design with cross sectional design involving 23 Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) officers as respondents and 38 blood glucose samples to be examined using a chemistry analyzer. Data from quentionaires and observations were analyzed by lambda correlation test with sig <0.05. Research on internal quality assurance on the criteria of human resource the results obtained 96.9%, the SOP criteria the results obtained 91.6%, the sample quality criteria the results obtained 90.3%, and the QC criteria the results obtained 100%. The results of the lambda correlation test on four variables showed a correaltion, with the results of HR 0.008, SOP 0.016, sample quality 0.009, QC 0.016. all of the criteria for internal quality assurance are in the good category, and all of them show that there is a relation with internal quality assurance.

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