Author Guidelines

Jurnal Laboratorum Khatulistiwa publishes scientific health articles which are published twice a year. Articles published in the form of original research results, case reports, and analytical studies in the field of health such as innovative thought or concepts from the literature review (Systematic Literature Review) and studies of several scientific papers that can be utilized for the development of science and technology in the health sector as well as other fields. Articles are written in Indonesian language (Bahasa) following the guidelines for improved Indonesian Spelling (ejaan yang disempurnakan, EYD) and/or in English.

Submitted manuscripts are articles that have never been published. The author must ensure that all supporting authors have agreed by signing a statement on the seal. If it is known that the article has been published in another journal, the article will be annulled in the next volume. Manuscripts accepted for publication will become the property of the publisher.



The article is typed on white 70/80 gram HVS paper with A4 size (21.0 × 29.7 cm) with the left and the top margin are set to 4 cm; the bottom and the right margin are set to 3 cm, and is not printed in both-side (one-side only). The minimum length of the manuscript is 10 pages with the maximum of 20 pages (including pictures, tables, and photos). Each page is numbered typed on the bottom right of the page, starting from the title page to the last page, sequentially.

The article is written in Times New Roman with font size 12, justified, 1 space except for the title (2 spaces). The article is written using only, no bilingual style (for example, Indonesian and English or other languages). Terms in foreign or regional languages that cannot be translated into Indonesian are typed in italics.

The correspondence address is written as a footnote on the first page which contains the full name with the title/designation of the profession, institution, telephone number, and e-mail address.



Title and Author's Name

The article title is typed in bold, with the initial of each word is written in capital letters (except for conjunctions). The article is typed using Times New Romance size 14, single spaced with a maximum number of words 15 (consider the words and terms used in the article represent the whole content of the manuscript). The ownership line consists of 2 elements: the name of the author and the institution of origin. The author's name is written under the title without an academic degree, not abbreviated, first letter of each word is capitalized, without using the word "by" before the author’s name. The first author’s name is written first and followed by the second author's name, and so on. The initial capital letter of the author's name is written in bold, font size 11, and centered alignment. The name of the institution is written with the initial capital letter, font size 10, and centered alignment.


The Abstract is written in one paragraph, in Indonesian with a maximum of 200 words or in English with a maximum of 250 words. The word "Abstract" is typed in bold. The Abstract is typed using Times New Roman, font size 11, single-spaced, with justified alignment without indent at the beginning of the paragraph. The Abstract should describe the entire contents of the article including the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). Relevant keywords are included, consisting of 3-5 words which represent the main idea of the Abstract itself. The word "Kata Kunci (or Key Words)" is bold typed.


The Introduction is written briefly to catch the attention of readers. The Introduction consists of research background supported by up-to-date data, constructed problem, and research objectives.


The Method section describes about research method, samples/population of samples, variables, time and place, how the research is conducted, data collection techniques, and data analysis. The research ethics permit number and the Ethics Committee Approval are also written in this section.


This section explains the results of the research related to the objectives. The results of the research can be in the form of tables, diagrams, pictures, words, etc. The Result section is written separately with the Discussion section.

The Discussion part is a complete section that contains the explanation of the results related to the objectives. Every result is discussed clearly in a straightforward manner. This section contains the interpretation of research results which covers facts, theories, opinions or the differences with previous research.


This section concludes research results by addressing the problems and objectives, written in the form of conclusion of the Discussion section, implication of the results, and recommendation from the researchers.


Acknowledgment can be given to contributors (Institutional or individual) without writing down the academic title.


The Reference section consists of all references used to support the article. Referred sources should be in form of literatures published in the last 10 years (for journals), primary sources (articles from journals, or scientific reports (thesis, dissertation).

The number of references used in the form of journals should be minimum of 10 journals. The total number of references used in the form of various sources should not exceed 30 references.

The Reference section should be written in an alphabetical and chronological order. The sample on how to write the Reference section is available at the end of this guideline.

The Reference section is written is Harvard style automatically using a software. The software can be downloaded from the link available on this Journal website or using other similar softwares.


More than 6 Authors

Indrawati R, Nuswantoro A, Slamet, Sugito, Supriyanto, Kamila L, dkk. Efektifitas Perasan Jeruk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri. JLK. 2018; 4: hlm 21-35.

Up to 6 Authors

Lou C, Cheng Y, Gao E, Zou X, Emerson MR, Zabin LS. Media’s contribution to sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors for adolescents and young adults in three Asian cities. J Adolesc Health. 2002. March; 50(30): S26-36.

Books and Other Monographs

Editor as Author

Nriagu J, penyunting. Encyclopedia of environmental health. Michigan: Elsevier BV; 2011.

Organization as Author

Kemenkes. Teknik konseling kesehatan remaja bagi petugas kesehatan. Jakarta; 2010.

Chapter in a Book

Brammer LM. The helping relationship process and skills. Dalam: McDonald G, penyunting. Counselling. Genava: Center Press; 2015.hlm. 1–20.

Proceedings of a Conference

Ihsan MB. Peran Pemeriksaan Laboratorium dalam Transformasi Kesehatan . Prosiding dalam Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Program Pascasarjana Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran; 30-31 Oktober 2021; Bandung; 2017.