Perbandingan Perendaman Asam Sitrat dan Jeruk Nipis terhadap Penurunan Kadar Kalsium Oksalat pada Talas

Indah Purwaningsih, Kuswiyanto Kuswiyanto


Abstract : Comparative Using Citric Acid Immersion And Lime To Decrease The Level Of Calcium Oxalic Taro. The aim of this study is to reduce the levels of calcium oxalate in taro by using a solution of citric acid and lemon juice concentration of 1%, 5%, and 10%. The level of calcium oxalate in this study using titration methods permanganometry The results show that the effective concentration in the lower levels of calcium oxalate in the taro were the solution of citric acid concentration of 5%, which could reduce levels of calcium oxalate up to 41.7456% compared to baseline values and lime juice concentration of 5%, whereas levels of calcium oxalate decreased by 47, 6668% compared to baseline values.

Abstrak : Perbandingan Perendaman Asam Sitrat Dan Jeruk Nipis Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Kalsium Oksalat Pada Talas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kadar kalsium oksalat pada talas dengan menggunakan larutan asam sitrat dan air perasan jeruk nipis dengan konsentrasi 1%, 5% dan 10%. Pemeriksaan kadar kalsium oksalat menggunakan metode titrasi permanganometri. hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi yang efektif dalam menurunkan kadar kalsium oksalat pada talas adalah larutan asam sitrat konsentrasi 5%, dimana mampu menurunkan kadar kalsium oksalat hingga 41,7456% dibandingkan kadar awal dan air perasan jeruk nipis konsentrasi 5%, dimana kadar kalsium oksalat mengalami penurunan sebesar 47,6668% dibandingkan kadar awal.


Talas; Kalsium Oksalat; Asam Sitrat; Air Perasan; Jeruk Nipis

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