Gambaran Tingginya Angka Karies Gigi Pada SD Binaan Pelayanan Asuhan Di Wilayah Kota Pontianak
Fathiah Fathiah
Abstract: The High Figure Description Dental Caries In SD Guided Care Services In Pontianak City area. The aim of this study was to determine if the high rate of decay/caries in permanent teeth and milk teeth suffered by elementary school students assisted Dental Care Nursing Care Department MoH Poltekkes Pontianak in Pontianak City area. The study design was descriptive with basic survey techniques. The population was the elementary school students who receive care services and the samples were fourth-grade students where there is still a period of mixed dentition in a balanced state by purposive sampling method. The result is the numbers of dental caries in permanent teeth (DMF-T) of 2.75, the rate of caries in the milk teeth (left) of 3.5. So the total number of dental caries average on every child is 6.2.
Abstrak : Gambaran Tingginya Angka Karies Gigi Pada SD Binaan Pelayanan Asuhan Di Wilayah Kota Pontianak. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mendapatkan gambaran tingginya angka kerusakan / karies pada gigi tetap dan gigi susu yang diderita oleh siswa SD binaan Pelayanan Asuhan Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak di Wilayah Kota Pontianak. Desain penelitian bersifat deskriptif dengan teknik survey dasar. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh siswa SD yang mendapatkan pelayanan asuhan dan sampel adalah siswa kelas IV SD dimana masih terdapat periode gigi geligi bercampur dalam keadaan berimbang dengan metode purposive sampling . Dari hasil penelitian didapat angka karies gigi pada gigi tetap (DMF-T) sebesar 2,75, angka karies pada gigi susu (def-t) sebesar 3,5. Sehingga jumlah angka karies gigi rata-rata pada setiap anak adalah 6,2.
DMF-T; def-t; Pelayanan Asuhan
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