bekti nilam cahya, Hurun Ain, Marsaid Marsaid, Naya Ernawati


Stunting is a nutritional problem caused by multi-factorial and intergenerational traits. To reduce the prevalence of stunting, it is very important to understand the determinants that can be used to assist in setting priorities in designing policies to improve the welfare of children's growth. The design of this research is descriptive research using a cross-sectional approach and using statistical tests of Spearman Rank and Product Moment Correlation. This study presents the risk factors for stunting in children under five. The data sources used in this study are primary data sources, with 3 most prominent findings, namely: 1) most of the toddlers were not breastfed at all since birth 2) most of them did not get exclusive breastfeeding and 3) most of the respondents' mothers had elementary school education. . Another finding is a large percentage of the Z-score index for toddlers in the short category (≥ -3.0 Z-score -2.0). The results of the statistical test showed that three risk factors for stunting in children under five were significantly related to the Z-score index value, namely 1) history of breastfeeding, 2) gender and 3) parental income. The results of the analysis of the relationship between stunting risk factors and the Z-score index in toddlers showed that the highest frequency was children who were born with normal birth weight (not LBW/ 2500 g) and the Z-score index was normal, as well as toddlers who had never suffered from infectious diseases, the Z-score index is normal.

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