Porositas Lempeng Resin Akrilik Pasca Perendaman Rebusan Daun Sirih dan Kayu Siwak
Abstract: Porosity Of Acrylic Resin After Immersion In The Boiled Water Of Betel Leaves And Siwak Wood. Denture acrylic resin can be a collection point for stain, tar, and plaque and this will adversely affect the oral health of the denture wearer. One way to clean the oral cavity of denture users is to use mouthwash and soak the teeth with a cleaning solution/denture cleanser. Mouthwash solutions and chemical-based cleaning solutions at relatively high prices, and affect the porosity of dentures. Therefore, the need for alternative materials that are safe, cheap, natural as well as having antimicrobial function without affecting the level of porosity of denture. This study was to determine the effect of the combination of boiled water of betel leaves and siwak wood to the porosity of the acrylic resin plate. This study was an experimental study, posttest only design with the control group has been done at the integrated laboratory of Poltekkes Tanjungkarang, July – December 2015. Data were analyzed by One Way ANOVA and continued with Least Significant Difference test. The results showed that the combination of betel leaves and siwak wood does not affect the porosity of the acrylic resin plate. The highest concentration of the combination of betel leaf water and siwak wood that did not differ significantly with negative control (aquades) was 75% with longest immersion period was 59 days.
Abstrak: Porositas Lempeng Resin Akrilik Pasca Perendaman Rebusan Daun Sirih Dan Kayu Siwak. Gigi tiruan resin akrilik dapat menjadi tempat pengumpulan stain, tar, dan plak dan hal ini akan berpengaruh jelek terhadap kesehatan mulut pemakai gigi tiruan. Salah satu cara menjaga kebersihan rongga mulut pengguna gigi tiruan adalah dengan menggunakan obat kumur dan merendam gigi-tiruan tersebut dengan larutan pembersih/denture cleanser. Larutan obat kumur dan larutan pembersih berbahan dasar dari bahan kimia dengan harga yang relatif mahal, serta mempengaruhi porositas gigi tiruan. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya bahan alternatif yang aman, murah, alami sekaligus memiliki fungsi antimikroba dengan tanpa mempengaruhi tingkat porositas gigi tiruan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi air rebusan daun sirih dan kayu siwak terhadap porositas lempeng resin akrilik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental, rancangan post test only with control group design, dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Terpadu Poltekkes Tanjungkarang, Juli-Desember 2015. Analisis data dengan uji One Way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan uji Least Significant Difference. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi air rebusan daun sirih dan kayu siwak tidak mempengaruhi porositas lempeng resin akrilik. Konsentrasi tertinggi dari kombinasi air rebusan daun sirih dan kayu siwak yang tidak berbeda signifikan dengan kontrol negatif (aquades) adalah 75% dengan lama perendaman terpanjang yaitu 59 hari.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.30602/jvk.v4i1.122
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