Efektivitas Kombinasi Cone Tray Aerator Dan Media Filtrasi Cangkang Kerang Dalam Menurunkan Kadar Besi (Fe) Pada Air Sumur Gali Di Wilayah Komplek Permata Ampera Pontianak

Jaka Satria, Asmadi Asmadi, Sunarsieh Sunarsieh


Abstrak: Efektivitas Kombinasi Cone Tray Aerator dan Media Filtrasi Cangkang Kerang dalam Menurunkan Kadar Besi (Fe) pada Air Sumur Gali di Wilayah Komplek Permata Ampera Pontianak. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen semu (quasi experiment). Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pretest–posttest with control group design yaitu unit percobaan dikenakan perlakuan dengan dua kali pengukuran. Hasil penelitian kombinasi cone tray aerator dan media filtrasi cangkang kerang terbukti mampu menurunkan kadar Fe pada Air Sumur Gali. Efektifitas sesudah pengolahan 15 menit rata-rata penurunan 78,06 %, 30 menit rata-rata penurunan 80,98 %, 45 menit rata-rata penurunan 83,98 %, dan 60 menit rata-rata penurunan 86,28 %. Uji statistik nilai F sebesar 9167,972 dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 dimana < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Bagi masyarakat di Kelurahan Sungai Bangkong RT 001 Blok C yang menggunakan sumber air sumur gali sebaiknya mengelola air dengan menggunakan kombinasi Cone Tray Aerator dan Media Filtrasi Cangkang Kerang terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan.

Abstract: The Effectiveness of Combination Cone Tray Aerator and Scallop Shell Filtration Medium to Reducing The Fe Degree on Well Water at Komplek Permata Ampera Region Pontianak. This research used quasi experiment which the research design used prestest-postest control group design which is a unit of experiment was conducted twice treatment measurements. The result of this research on combination cone tray aerator and scallop shell filtration medium was proven that was able reducing the Fe degree of water wells. The effectiveness after the treatment within 15 minutes has gained the reduction average at 78,06 %, 30 minutes has gained the reduction average at 80, 98%, while 45 minutes has gained the reduction average at 83, 98% and 60 minutes has gained the reduction average at 86, 28 %. In the statistic value of F was 9167, 972 with the significant of 0, 000 where < 0, 05. It showed that there were the significant differences. For the whole populations at Sungai Bangkong RT 001 Block C which uses well water as well as managing the water by combining cone tray aerator and scallop shell filtration medium firstly before using it.



Aerasi Cone Tray Aerator; Filtrasi Media Cangkang Kerang

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